
Psalm 104

Oh Lord, how great and all-powerful You are!

And how beautiful is the world You created for our habitation!


Even before man was brought forth from the dust,

You prepared for him a place in which to live and grow.

And everything man saw about him

reflected the beauty and power of the living God.


There was clean air.

Pure water from snowcapped mountains flowed through green valleys

and gathered together to become great lakes.

The skies shone with a million lights.

The land brought forth flowers and fruits

to delight the eye and palate of God’s creature.

And every part of the land

and the waters that covered the land

and the skies that looked down upon the land

were filled with uncountable forms of life;

and the world was vibrant and alive.


Your power and Your beauty were spread throughout the universe,

but it was only upon the heart of man

that You imprinted Your image.

And this creature,

in his short stay upon this world,

was destined to be Your son and co-worker

in the ever-continuing process of creation.

~ Leslie Brandt